BSides Barcelona Call for Papers

We are looking for talented, humorous, inspiring, and/or provocative speakers to host talks, lightning talks, and workshops. We welcome and encourage first-time speakers and members of underrepresented communities to apply.

We are very open to different topics around privacy, security, community, and how technologies relate to society, and therefore open to any topics within those areas.

We do not accept sales pitches or showcases of a specific product/software/service.

Preference is given to talks that are up-to-date, and innovative and provide solutions as well as insight to problems.

Why submit to BSides Barcelona?

Security BSides is a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members. The goal is to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the traditional confines of space and time. It creates opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants. It’s where you can build lasting connections. Our focus is to create opportunities for individuals to participate in an atmosphere that encourages collaboration and spontaneous conversations.

How to submit a proposal

  1. Please use our online abstract submission form to submit a paper proposal for BSides Barcelona 2024
  2. Fill in all necessary fields in the form. You should make the description of your talk as compelling and exciting as possible. Remember, you’re selling both the organizers of the events to select your talk, as well as trying to convince attendees your talk is the one they should see.
  3. Don’t forget to share your contact details with each submission, as well as your bio and social media accounts. If you are chosen, we are going to mention your name in social media communications. Let us know if you are not comfortable with this.
  4. The deadline for abstract submissions is 5 March 2024
  5. After the CFP deadline, all submissions will be reviewed by a program committee; authors will be notified of the status of their paper by email. We aim to notify those whose papers have been selected approximately 10 days after the close of the call for papers.

Programme Committee

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